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How Does Ashwagandha Help in Immune Boost?


Withania somnifera, commonly known as Ashwagandha, is a widely popular herb in Ayurveda. Ashwagandha is derived from two words in Sanskrit ashwa meaning horse, and gandha meaning smell, which says it smells like a horse. Well, I don't know if this will be pleasant to anyone or not but the power of this incredible herb will definitely surprise you. It has incredible properties ranging from shedding a few pounds to improving sexual health (especially in men), but the best is its power to boost your immunity.

There is scientific evidence that suggests that stress can adversely affect your immune system. Ashwagandha contains chemical compounds that include alkaloids (isopeltierin, anaferin, quesohygrin, anahigrin, etc.), steroidal lactones (withanolides, withaferin), and saponins. Which act as anti-In ancient times it was commonly taken with milk for the growth of children, strong bones, muscles and better immunity?

Ashwagandha root Powder helps fight insomnia, anxiety, weakness, diabetes and many other health affecting diseases which can definitely weaken your immune system, Ashwagandha root Powder fights them and helps in building a stronger immune system. This herb is widely found in India, Africa, Nepal, but its incredible potency has also made its mark in the United Kingdom and can be easily found in Oils and Herbs UK.

Be sure to discuss with your doctor before consuming this herb as it is not recommended for pregnant women or people who are undergoing any medical treatment. There is no age restriction in Ayurveda as it can be given to small children, adults to the elderly. Try the amazing power of this mind-blowing stress reliever and boost your immunity.


According to Ayurveda, the human body is made up of food. The nutrients we consume are converted into energy and form cells, organs and tissues. Every day we need vital vitamins, minerals and other nutrients to maintain our body's delicate balance. And if Ashwagandha is chosen as a supplement then it is very helpful in balancing the body. You can take a dose of 600 to 1,000 mg of Ashwagandha twice daily.

Ayurveda designates some herbs as having adaptogenic benefits; One such herb is Ashwagandha. Adaptogens (a mixture of amino acids, vitamins and herbs) are substances that regulate the human body's response to changing environments. Adaptogens allow the body to deal with external stressors such as toxins from the environment and it also helps relieve internal stressors such as insomnia and anxiety.

Ashwagandha root Powder has many useful medicinal elements including alkaloids, choline, fatty acids, amino acids and many others and sugars. All Ashwagandha leaves and fruits have valuable therapeutic properties, while its origin is commonly used as a natural remedy in Western countries. Researchers and scientists have been analyzing Ashwagandha root Powder for many years and have published numerous studies pointing to the therapeutic benefits of this herb.

Ashwagandha root Powder helps stabilize blood sugar, enhance learning, memory and reaction time. Ashwagandha has anti-malarial properties and protects the body's immune system. It provides anti-inflammatory benefits and helps control and reduce cholesterol. Furthermore, it reduces brain cell degeneration. Apart from these benefits, Ashwagandha also has important healing benefits which have been clinically proven.


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